# |
Quellen-Kennung |
Titel, Autor |
Stammbaum |
501 |
S1403152018 | Web: Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S., Spring Grove Cemetery Index, 1845-2012 Ancestry.com | Stammbaum der Familie Sommerey |
502 |
S1405871076 | Web: France, Death Records, 1970-2021 Ancestry.com | Stammbaum der Familie Sommerey |
503 |
S1403397953 | Web: Index der Obituary Daily Times, 1995-2011 Ancestry.com | Stammbaum der Familie Sommerey |
504 |
S1403174338 | Web: Indiana, USA, Heiratsindizes, Landkreis, 1993-2015 Ancestry.com | Stammbaum der Familie Sommerey |
505 |
S1404583995 | Web: Landkreis Jackson, Missouri, USA, Heiratsregister, 1826-2014 Ancestry.com | Stammbaum der Familie Sommerey |
506 |
S1403164564 | Web: Landkreis Lake, Ohio, USA, Todesanzeigenindex, 1830-2011 Ancestry.com | Stammbaum der Familie Sommerey |
507 |
S1403163995 | Web: Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, U.S., Birth Index, 1865-2012 Ancestry.com | Stammbaum der Familie Sommerey |
508 |
S1403372156 | Web: Minnesota, U.S., Marriages from the Minnesota Official Marriage System, 1850-2019 Ancestry.com | Stammbaum der Familie Sommerey |
509 |
S1404485276 | Web: Missouri, USA, Todesurkunden, 1910-1969 Ancestry.com | Stammbaum der Familie Sommerey |
510 |
S1403333506 | Web: Obituary Daily Times Index, 1995-2016 Ancestry.com | Stammbaum der Familie Sommerey |
511 |
S1404038274 | Web: St. Clair County, Michigan, U.S., Marriage Index, 1838-1898 Ancestry.com | Stammbaum der Familie Sommerey |
512 |
S1403332771 | Web: Washington County, Maryland, U.S., Marriage Index, 1861-1949 Ancestry.com | Stammbaum der Familie Sommerey |
513 |
S1413220897 | Web: Westliche Staaten, Heiratsindex, 1809-2016 Ancestry.com | Stammbaum der Familie Sommerey |
514 |
S1410339419 | Wisconsin, Heiratsregister, 1820-2004 Ancestry.com | Stammbaum der Familie Sommerey |
515 |
S1405385276 | Wisconsin, U.S., Birth Index, 1808-1907 Ancestry.com | Stammbaum der Familie Sommerey |
516 |
S1389242701 | Wisconsin, U.S., Birth Records, 1812-1921 Ancestry.com | Stammbaum der Familie Sommerey |
517 |
S1389242865 | Wisconsin, U.S., Births and Christenings Index, 1801-1928 Ancestry.com | Stammbaum der Familie Sommerey |
518 |
S1389191038 | Wisconsin, U.S., Death Index, 1959-1997 Ancestry.com | Stammbaum der Familie Sommerey |
519 |
S1389164582 | Wisconsin, U.S., Death Records, 1959-2004 Ancestry.com | Stammbaum der Familie Sommerey |
520 |
S1403148277 | Wisconsin, U.S., Divorce Index, 1965-1984 Ancestry.com | Stammbaum der Familie Sommerey |
521 |
S1405385221 | Wisconsin, U.S., Employment Records, 1903-1988 Ancestry.com | Stammbaum der Familie Sommerey |
522 |
S1405385338 | Wisconsin, U.S., Marriage Index, 1973-1997 Ancestry.com | Stammbaum der Familie Sommerey |
523 |
S1389164527 | Wisconsin, U.S., Marriage Records, 1820-2004 Ancestry.com | Stammbaum der Familie Sommerey |
524 |
S1410306873 | Wisconsin, U.S., State Censuses, 1855-1905 Ancestry.com. | Stammbaum der Familie Sommerey |
525 |
S1410552129 | Worms, Germany, Deaths, 1876-1950 Ancestry.com | Stammbaum der Familie Sommerey |
526 |
S1403268615 | Württemberg, Deutschland, evangelische Kirchenbücher, 1500-1985 Ancestry.com | Stammbaum der Familie Sommerey |
527 |
S1402882556 | Württemberg, Deutschland, Familienregister 1550-1985 Ancestry.com | Stammbaum der Familie Sommerey |
528 |
S1403233297 | Württemberg, Germany Emigration Index Ancestry.com | Stammbaum der Familie Sommerey |
529 |
S1396160998 | Württemberg, Germany, Family Tables, 1550-1985 Ancestry.com | Stammbaum der Familie Sommerey |
530 |
S1394265511 | Württemberg, Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1500-1985 Ancestry.com | Stammbaum der Familie Sommerey |
531 |
S1405317624 | Wyoming, Sterberegister, 1909-1971 Ancestry.com | Stammbaum der Familie Sommerey |